Where To Look For Trustworthy News

Given people’s distrust for mainstream news, what kind of sources can people turn to for better and more accurate information and why?

The Internet has brought a great number of benefits and changes to the world of information. On the one side, it is easier than ever to have access to information. Do you want to know more about the living style of the Masai? Or maybe you want to know if you have planned to dream trip to the Philippines during typhoon season?

All that information is at the touch of a finger by just pressing a button.

On the other side, the Internet is the dream of anyone with writing aspirations. Why? Now, everyone, literally everyone can write and have their docs published. Either by having a blog, social networks or, if professionally, in electronic magazines and newspapers.

Nevertheless, as in everything, this also has a dark side. Being surrounded by such amount of information creates a feeling of uncertainty in people. Having much information at reach makes you wonder which is the correct.

The problem for many is that they don’t know whether to trust the sites they turn to for information or no. They don’t know how to distinguish between accurate information and unfounded rumors.

But you don’t have to worry anymore about that. In this article, we have gathered a list of trustworthy sites you can turn to for better and more accurate information.

Trustworthy Sites to Stay Up to Date


You might have been told at school or college that Wikipedia is not the best source of information and that it cannot be cited in a paper. Well, this might not be so. In fact, Wikipedia is one of the best sources of information we now have. The utility of this digital encyclopedia has even been researched by the Harvard Business School, that has concluded that Wikipedia offers really accurate information in an informational or educational tone.

2.Google Scholar

Google is the main search engine of nowadays. You can google every single doubt you have, and more probably than not, you’ll get a quality answer.

Although Google is extremely useful for research, it might fall a bit short when it’s about academic projects. But don’t worry. A giant like Google wouldn’t miss the opportunity and leave a hole in the market.

For more accurate and professional information about science, politics, etc. you can turn to Google Scholar, with a wide variety of articles you can have access to.

3.Social Media

You must be very careful with what you believe on social media, but it is true that knowing where to apply a filter, you can get pretty useful information regarding news, actuality and so on.

Social Media is not only about a collaborative way of creating content, but also about discussing the information. This allows people to get a better insight into what’s going on in the world and reflect about it to have a better formed and informed opinion.

4.Educational websites

They usually use the extension “.edu”. These websites are quite useful for students, or for people with cultural curiosity. I have prepared a list of the best educational websites you can visit for information.
•edx.org (by Harvard University)
•academicearth.org (in collaboration with Oxford College, MIT, Stanford University, etc.)
•khanacademy.org (partnered with NASA, MOMA, MIT, California Academy of Sciences, etc.)