Do Essential Oils Actually Work?

Essential oils are simply natural oils that are extracted from plants using steam or water distillation process. They have been in existence for many centuries. They are used for varied purposes by different individuals. They are normally very concentrated in nature. To investigate whether essential oils actually work, it is important to first highlight examples of essential oils. Essential oils include: lavender, tea tree, peppermint, frankincense, rosemary, bergamot, chamomile and cinnamon.

Do essential oils really work?

For many decades, essential oils have dominated the aromatherapy niche and traditional medicinal niche. They are equipped with abundant health benefits (reduce depression, pain, respiratory problems, digestion problems) which make them popular in these niches. As a result, scientists have increasingly shifted attention to essential oils in an effort to explore their effectiveness in treatment of medical illnesses such as heart strokes, asthma among others. Although research about essential oils is being conducted, there are no conclusive findings that substantively show if these oils actually work. All the same, this article will explore some health benefits of essential oils and research studies/findings that verify these benefits.

1. Acne treatment

Tea tree essential oil is considered effective when it comes to improving the immune system and protecting the body against infections. Tea tree oil is also used for treating skin conditions such as acne and blemishes. The National Institutes of Health (NIH) expresses that tea tree oil works well for acne treatment. This assertion was proved by researchers sometimes back who in the process of conducting a clinical trial compared a benzoyl peroxide product and gel with tee tree oil. In this experiment, it was proved that using gel with tea tree oil was much better than using a benzoyl peroxide product. The gel with tea tree oil posed little or no side effects to users.

2. Reduce nausea related symptoms

Pregnant women experience nausea especially in the first stages of the pregnancy. In some individuals, nausea is also common after undergoing surgery. According to medical research experts, some essential oils are very key in curbing nausea related symptoms. For instance, studies done a while ago indicated that lemon essential oil when inhaled by pregnant women greatly reduces the nauseous feeling. Credible sources also articulate that peppermint essential oil provides the queasy feeling experienced after surgery. In fact, peppermint essential oil ensures the post-surgery recovery process is devoid of plenty of anti-nausea medication use.

3. Lessen gut and digestive symptoms

There is significant amount of evidence that peppermint oil helps deal with Irritable Bowel Syndrome symptoms. This is attributed to the fact that essential oils contain concentrated bioactive compounds. Peppermint oil, if taken in form of enteric-coated tablets, is not exposed to digestion by stomach acid hence reaches the gut.

4. Depression, stress and anxiety relief

Lavender essential oil is widely used for stress and anxiety relief. Some studies point out that lavender can be crucial in lessening anxiety while in a dental waiting area. Researchers also state that lavender oil when used by patients suffering from dementia helps lessen agitation.

In conclusion, essential oils can offer the desired results if appropriately used. When buying and using any essential oil, do not forget to consult a professional aroma therapist or a medical expert for useful guidelines. Besides, choose an essential oil from a reputable manufacturer to guarantee its quality.